You're in a Hurry, but You Cannot Rush

I’m busy. You’re busy. We’re all so damn busy!

If you follow the principles of a wise Riskologist, then your life is currently overrunning with amazing things to do, people to meet, and experiences to have. And all this abundance sometimes feel like just too much. But when you swing the other way and slow everything down, it feels like something is missing.

How do you keep up? How are you supposed to finish that never-ending list of stuff?

Some argue you shouldn’t have a list of stuff. Or that you should pare down your list of stuff. Or that you should outsource your list of stuff. Or that you should call it something else because the word “stuff” sounds cheap an unimportant.

Well, I love my list of stuff. And while I often feel overwhelmed by it, I don’t mind that feeling, and I’m even grateful for it.

What’s the trick? For me, it’s to find peace living within a strict dichotomy:

Life is short, and I’m in a hurry to get a lot done. But life is also important, and I refuse to rush through it.

I’ve never been able to accept arguments that only address one side of that equation. To speed through life on a never-ending quest to cross things off a list and never look back doesn’t feel right to me. At the same time, to give up on ambitions just to reduce stress and live a happier life has never delivered either of its promises. At least not to me.

So my answer is one of balance. And imbalance. At the same time. It sounds tricky but—in a way— it’s the simplest answer.

Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today. Also, never force something into today that can happily wait until tomorrow. Hurry up and slow down. Slow down and hurry up!

Your life is important. It’s also urgent. But important things take time. They require focus.

So take your time, and don’t delay!

How will you spend your time today?