The 5-Step Negotiation Process I Use To Lower My Monthly Bills By 25%

Anyone can learn the basics of good negotiation, and your monthly bills are the perfect opportunity to practice.

Give Better Advice by Reminding People of Their Values

Before you give someone advice, help them remember their core values. This activates part of the brain that will encourage them to accept your advice.

Use First Principles Thinking to Solve Impossible Problems

If you want to solve hard problems in unique ways, “first principles thinking” is the strategy that works for the world’s most creative people.

Medical Research Shows You Can Think Your Way To Strength

The latest science is proving how important your thoughts are to your physical health.

How To Make Great Decisions Under Stress

Stress is like kryptonite for good decision-making. But there are three things you can do to minimize its effect when you need to make smart choices.

True Resilience Is Understanding Nothing Lasts Forever

It’s a universal law that everything will eventually fail. The truly strong are ready for it from the beginning.

You Only Have to Succeed Once

The people at the top of their games are the ones who kept the right mindset through all the failures along the way.

Happy People Know Relationships Take Work

Research on healthy relationships shows if you want stronger, long-lasting connections, you have to develop the right mindset.

What It Takes to Master a Skill

You can learn skills by imitating those who’ve already mastered them. But mastering them yourself takes creativity and hard work.

How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Unleash Your Inner Genius

Self-doubt is hard to overcome, but it can be done by anyone who knows the steps to take. Follow this guide to stop letting your insecurities hold you back.

Take the Leadership for Introverts Test

We created a free leadership self-assessment that will reveal your  opportunities as an introverted leader and show you exactly what to do to improve your skills.

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